Used Auto Financing Loans
Rebuilding Your Credit
It is not at all uncommon for a person to have a low credit score. Things happen, whether there is an illness, a divorce, loss of work, etc. We believe everybody deserves a second chance.
We promise to treat you with the dignity that you expect and deserve, and are happy to help provide you with a car loan that can change both your bad credit score and your life.
We have an incredible selection of used vehicles to choose from. Just because you’ve had some credit challenges in the past doesn’t mean that you deserve less than a quality reconditioned vehicle backed by a comprehensive warranty.
Each vehicle passes a thorough multipoint inspection and is reconditioned to the highest standards possible, and a CarProof is provided to ensure you that the vehicle is indeed of the highest integrity.
Westgate Honda’s Auto Finance Specialist is here to help people with less-than-perfect credit obtain auto financing. We have vehicle and loan protection plans that are designed to maintain your newly established credit so life’s unforeseen crises will not interfere with your repayment schedule.
Disclaimer: By submitting this application, you authorize us to run your credit report.
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